Adler Group S.A.: Adler Group S.A.: Veröffentlichung gemäß Artikel 11(6) des luxemburgischen Transparenzgesetzes mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

^ EQS Stimmrechtsmitteilung: Adler Group S.A. Adler Group S.A.: Adler Group S.A.: Veröffentlichung gemäß Artikel 11(6) des luxemburgischen Transparenzgesetzes mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

03.05.2023 / 12:50 CET/CEST Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch EQS News - ein Service der EQS Group AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


ANNEX A: Standard form for notification of major holdings

NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the CSSF)i Filing reference 3704 Submitted at (Luxembourg time) 2023-05-02 22:00 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii: ADLER Group S.A. 2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes): [ ] An acquisition or disposal of voting rights [ ] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments [ X ] An event changing the breakdown of voting rights [ ] Other (please specify)iii: Exercise of instruments 3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv: Name: Günther Walcher City and country of registered office (if applicable): 4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v: Montarius Holding Limited , Aggregate Holdings Invest SA 5. Date on which the threshold 25/0- was crossed or reachedvi: 4/20- 23 6. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation: % of % of voting To- Total voting rights tal number of rights through of voting atta- financial both rights of ched to instruments in % issuervii shares (total of (7.A (total 7.B.1 + + of 7.A) 7.B.2) 7.B) Resulting situation on the 4.34 0.00 4.34 151,626,107 date on which threshold was crossed or reached Position of previous 6.10 notification (if applicable) 7. Notified details of the resul- ting situati- on on the date on which the thres- hold was crossed or reached- viii: A: Voting rights attached to shares Class/ty- Number of % of pe of voting voting shares rightsix rights ISIN code (if possible- ) Direct Indi- Direct Indi- (Art. 8 rect (Art. 8 rect of the (Art. of the (Art. Transpa- 9 of Transpa- 9 of rency the rency the Law) Trans- Law) Trans- paren- paren- cy cy Law) Law) LU125015- 6,595,587 % 4.34 4413 % % % % % SUBTOTAL 6,595,587 4.34 % A (Direct & Indirect- )

B 1: Financi- al Instru- ments accor- ding to Art. 12(1)(a) of the Transpa- rency Law Type of Expi- Exer- Number % financi- rati- ci- of of al on se/ voting vo- instru- datex Con- rights ti- ment ver- that ng sion may be ri- Peri- acqui- gh- odxi red if ts the instru- ment is exerci- sed/ conver- ted. N/A SUBT- OTAL B.1

B 2: Financi- al Instru- ments with similar economic effect accor- ding to Art. 12(1)(b) of the Transpa- rency Law Type of Ex- Exer- Phy- Num- % financi- pi- ci- si- ber of al ra- se/ cal of vo- instru- ti- Con- or vo- ti- ment on ver- cash tin- ng da- sion sett- g ri- te- Peri- le- rig- gh- x odxi ment- hts ts xii N/A SUBT- OTAL B.2

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation: (please tick the applicable box) Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.xiii No. Na- % of voting % of voting To- Directly me- rights held rights through tal control- xv by ultimate financial of led by controlling instruments both (use person or held by number(s) entity or ultimate from 1st held controlling column) directly by person or any entity or held subsidiary directly by any if it equals subsidiary if or is higher it equals or is than the higher than the notifiable notifiable threshold threshold 1 Gü- 4.35 0.00 4.35 nt- he- r Wa- lc- he- r 2 Me- 4.35 0.00 4,35 1 de- on S.- a.- r.- l 3 La- 4.35 0.00 4.35 2 vi- ni- a B.- V. 4 Ag- 4.35 0.00 4.35 3 gr- eg- at- e Ho- ld- in- gs SA 5 Ag- 4.34 0.00 4.34 4 gr- eg- at- e Ho- ld- in- gs In- ve- st S.- A. 6 Ag- 0.01 0.00 0.01 4 gr- eg- at- e UK S.- A. 7 Mo- 0.01 0.00 0.01 5 nt- ar- iu- s Ho- ld- in- g Lt- d. 9. In case of proxy voting: N/A

10. Additional informationxvi: N/A Done On 02/05/2023 Notes

i Please note that national forms may vary due to specific national legislation (Article 3(1a) of Directive 2004/109/EC) as for instance the applicable thresholds or information regarding capital holdings.

ii Full name of the legal entity and further specification of the issuer or underlying issuer, provided it is reliable and accurate (e.g. address, LEI, domestic number identity).

iii Other reason for the notification could be voluntary notifications, changes of attribution of the nature of the holding (e.g. expiring of financial instruments) or acting in concert.

iv This should be the full name of (a) the shareholder; (b) the natural person or legal entity acquiring, disposing of or exercising voting rights in the cases provided for in Article 9 (b) to (h) of the Transparency Law; or (c) the holder of financial instruments referred to in Article 12(1) of the Transparency Law.

As the disclosure of cases of acting in concert may vary due to the specific circumstances (e.g. same or different total positions of the parties, entering or exiting of acting in concert by a single party) the standard form does not provide for a specific method how to notify cases of acting in concert.

In relation to the transactions referred to in points (b) to (h) of Article 9 of the Transparency Law, the following list is provided as indication of the persons who should be mentioned:

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (b) of Article 9 of that Law, the natural person or legal entity that acquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreement and the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily for consideration the voting rights;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of Article 9 of that Law, the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rights and declares its intention of exercising them, and natural person or legal entity lodging the collateral under these conditions;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (d) of Article 9 of that Law, the natural person or legal entity who has a life interest in shares if that person or entity is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares and the natural person or legal entity who is disposing of the voting rights when the life interest is created;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (e) of Article 9 of that Law, the controlling natural person or legal entity and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual level under Article 8, under letters (a) to (d) of Article 9 of that Law or under a combination of any of those situations, the controlled undertaking;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (f) of Article 9 of that Law, the deposit taker of the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares deposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowing the deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (g) of Article 9 of that Law, the natural person or legal entity that controls the voting rights;

- in the circumstances foreseen in letter (h) of Article 9 of that Law, the proxy holder, if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rights at his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v Applicable in the cases provided for in Article 9 (b) to (h) of the Transparency Law. This should be the full name of the shareholder who is the counterparty to the natural person or legal entity referred to in Article 9 of that Law unless the percentage of voting rights held by the shareholder is lower than the 5% threshold for the disclosure of voting rights holdings (e.g. identification of funds managed by management companies).

vi The date on which threshold is crossed or reached should be the date on which the acquisition or disposal took place or the other reason triggered the notification obligation. For passive crossings, the date when the corporate event took effect.

vii The total number of voting rights shall be composed of all the shares, including depository receipts representing shares, to which voting rights are attached even if the exercise thereof is suspended.

viii If the holding has fallen below the 5% threshold, please note that it is not necessary to disclose the extent of the holding, only that the new holding is below that threshold.

ix In case of combined holdings of shares with voting rights attached 'direct holding' and voting rights 'indirect holding', please split the voting rights number and percentage into the direct and indirect columns - if there is no combined holdings, please leave the relevant box blank.

x Date of maturity/expiration of the financial instrument i.e. the date when right to acquire shares ends.

xi If the financial instrument has such a period - please specify this period - for example once every 3 months starting from [date].

xii In case of cash settled instruments the number and percentages of voting rights is to be presented on a delta- adjusted basis (Article 12(2) of the Transparency Law).

xiii If the person subject to the notification obligation is either controlled and/or does control another undertaking then the second option applies.

xiv The full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity also has to be presented in the cases in which only on subsidiary level a threshold is crossed or reached and the subsidiary undertaking discloses the notification as only then the market always gets the full picture of the group holdings. In case of multiple chains through which the voting rights and/or financial instruments are effectively held the chains have to be presented chain by chain leaving a row free between different chains (e.g.: A, B, C, free row, A, B, D, free row, A, E, F etc.). Numbers shall be attributed to all persons or entities within the group in column 1 in order to allow a clear indication of the control structure in column 6. The names of all undertakings of the control chain shall be provided in column 2, even if the number of the directly held voting rights and/or financial instruments is not equal or higher than the notifiable threshold. Columns 3 & 4 shall indicate the holdings of those persons or entities directly holding the voting rights and/or financial instruments if the holding is equal or higher than the notifiable threshold.

xv The names of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or financial instruments are effectively held have to be presented irrespectively whether the controlled undertakings cross or reach the lowest applicable threshold themselves.

xvi Example: Correction of a previous notification.


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Sprache: Deutsch Unternehmen: Adler Group S.A. 55 Allée Scheffer 2520 Luxemburg Luxemburg Internet:

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Quelle: dpa-Afx